Sunday, July 25, 2010

3 Times a Lady

Our little lady is three months old and I have had the funnest three months! There is just something about this girl that is so enchanting and sweet and she is SUCH a good baby. I'm talking she'll just sit on my lap all through church awake and happy and content as can be. And don't even get me started on the clothes, I could play dress up for hours (I don't, I'm just saying I could). I hope she's having as much fun as I am. Here's a few of the things she's been up to lately:

*Laughing!-I've only seen it twice but I know she's just getting started. Both times I tried to get it on video but she would stop as soon as I started recording.

*She's starting to "play" with toys- mostly just grabbing on to them and putting them in her mouth

*She REFUSES to take a bottle-This has gotten interesting since I had to go back to work last week. The poor girl refused any kind of food and just held out till I got home, that's going to have to change but I can tell she's already quite the strong spirited type

*She's already growing out of a lot of her 3 months clothes. This isn't something new to me because all my kids have been tall, I'm sure they get it from me ; )