Tuesday, June 1, 2010

One whole month!

So I decided to copy other blogs I've seen and document each month of Caroline's first year with a special photo. This will hopefully get me to actually blog on a regular basis. The first month has flown by so fast that I'm trying so hard to soak up all the fun and cuteness that this little lady has brought into our family! Here are some things that have made the first month noteworthy.
* I think she's about ten pounds ( I used the old weigh myself with her and then without her method for that one which is why I say I think)
* She has a receding hairline which causes me to put either a hat or headband on her at all times.
* She NEVER cries. (unless she's hungry or has a yucky diaper, but wouldn't you cry too?)
* She has started smiling and cooing, which I LOVE!
* Her brothers are wrapped around her little finger, in fact they started calling her cookie, because they "love her so much they want to eat her!"
We love our sweet Caroline!


  1. Congratulations! I don't think I even knew that you were pregnant! did I? Did you know that I am pregnant too? I am due in 4 weeks, but have been having contractions since 30 weeks. So who knows if she doesn't come sooner. We are also having a girl. That will be fun! Jamie just had a boy! Lots of new babies! Love ya and miss ya!

  2. YAY! I love the month by month photos! she already looks so much bigger than the last time I saw her. and I love that the boys call her "cookie." that's so cute.

  3. What a sweetheart- count your blessings that she is such a good baby! She is darling- I need to come visit you again soon!

  4. She is so cute! I need to come see her. Hopefully soon.
